The film "Who Is Saving Whom - RELOADED

Films which challenge the reigning notions, which look over the shoulders of the powerful with a critical eye, now-a-days hardly have a chance to be financed in the traditional manner. "Who's saving whom? RELOADED" will only be possible thanks to the help of thousands of committed citizens.


30.000,00 EURO
is the „Film promotion from down below“ which is the foundation on which the film is built

Learn from the last crisis. "Who's Saving Whom - Reloaded" will help you.

 With every donation you are a sponsor of the film. From 20 €  onwards you will receive a DVD copy or HD-Mov file with the license for non-commercial screening from "Gemeingeingut in BürgerInnenhand"

  • From 35€ owards you will receive the DVD copy or HD-Mov file "Who's saving Whom" and the film "marketable people" with two licenses each for non-commercial screenings

Payments please to the account: Recipient: Wer Rettet Wen - Reloaded, GLS Bank, IBAN: DE49430609672020346200, BIC: GENODEM1GLS  or also via PayPal