Press release concerning the premiere in Greece on the 11th of february 2015
Poster "Ποιoς σώζει ποιoν": JPG | PDF
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Photo 1: During the so called 'saving' of the Greek economy, the country was forced to save its banks paying 250 Billion Euro.
Photo 2: Cristobal Monoro, spanish minister of finance is proud to have made 400.000 employees redundant this year.
Photo 3: The Greek public channel (ERT) was shut down.
Photo 4: ECB president Mario Draghi, previously vice president of Goldman Sachs and manager of the department responsible for organising the depth cheating.
Photo 5: Without prospects and unemployed - the Greek youth.
Photo 6: Satyajit Das once wrote the textbooks about derivatives - today he warns people of their consequences.
Photo 7: Public channel ERT shut down - journalists burn the EU's flag.
Photo 8: Clinics in solidarity that run on the basis of donations and volunteering, are trying to ward off the downfall of Greece's health system.