Create publicity!
There is still some time left until opening night, but here are already some hints for the final stage.
Do advertise and promote your film screening already now, with the following material:
- Film posters in different sizes, to display in movie theatres, shops, cafés, club houses etc.
- Flyers that allow you to personalize your own event info (date, location, organizer, speaker, discussion partners etc.)
As soon as your event is fixed, we will announce it for you on Please do send us therefore all relevant information as soon as possible. This allows us to create a larger coverage and mobilization. And first and foremost, with a transnational opening night – in Germany and Spain, France and Greece – , we send a signal against the current crisis management policy.
Hints for later mobilization actions ...
In the forefront of the opening date, we provide you with press material and a trailer. Please use the materials to alert your local newspaper, the city magazine or a radio station to your event! Use the E-Mail-distribution lists of local clubs, unions and institutions. Approach local groups, write to your contacts and distribute flyers during events you are attending. This way you not only attract more public, but you gain supporters and co-promoters!
After the opening night ...
it would be especially nice if the film would stay top of mind through word of mouth marketing, especially if the local press would have written about it. In order to use the public interest and to involve those that did not have a chance to participate the first time, it makes sense if the film can be found in the programme of a cinema or other location even after the opening date.
Elucidation is human dignity. Let us take care of it together!